While the frigid temperatures kept us inside for most of the week, Wednesday provided the perfect opportunity to get out in the fresh snow with our science buddies! |
Highlights from our week:
*Science Buddies: After a group science talk, it was decided that both kindergartners and second graders alike wanted to spend some more time outdoodrs exploring curiousities, making noticings, and building in nature. Wednesday provided us with the perfect weather to get outside for a wintry nature walk!
Walking in the fresh snow is hard work!! |
*Math: Our latest math unit took an interactive and engaging turn as we began exploring measurement. We discussed different tools used for measuring as well as different units. We listened to the tale of the King's foot and learned how standard units of measurement came to be. After taking some volunteers, we quickly realized that the length of our carpet was different when we used "Will feet" as our unit verses "Landon feet". After everyone got a turn, we saw the need for standard units of measurement. Throughout the week, we measured objects (and people!) around the classroom.
While this week we used the U.S. Customary System for measurement (inches and feet), next week we will explore the Metric System. For extra practice with measurements skills, try some of these activities at home:
IXL - S.3, S.9, S.15
Measurement Weebly -collection of measurement games
*Writing: After weeks of book making, each Owl chose one fiction story to share at our celebration. While each book varied in style and length, nearly all found inspiration from the published authors in our classroom library. Some created the next book for an already popular series (like Madelyn's Owl Diaries: Eva & the Spelling Bee), while others created their own rendition of a popular story structure (like Sophie's If You Give a Mouse a Birthday). Whatever direction they went, one thing is for certain: they are all VERY proud of their completed books (as they should be!). Their writing identies have grown tremendously and each writer sees the power in their work.
*5th Grade Buddies: Seeing our buddies, we decided it was time to participate in another engineering challenge. I think I speak for all of the Owls when I say this was our hardest one yet!! Attempting to build a tower out of cards, everyone quickly realized this was much easier said than done. While this task was at times frustrating, I was VERY impressed by the persistence displayed by each Owl and their use of a growth mindset!
*Progress Reports: On Friday, a progress report was sent home with your child. Please sign and return the progress report envelope (the report itself is yours to keep!). If you have ANY questions or concerns, or would like to set up a conference, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks!
Have a wonderful week!
Let's go, Pats!

Questions to promote "School Talk":
-What is the story of the King's foot? How many of your feet was our classroom carpet?
-What are some objects you chose to measure in our classroom?
-What book did you share at our writing celebration?
-Who was our Mystery Reader this week?
-How did your historical hero help change our world?
-What did you build with your 5th grade buddy?
Important Dates:
-Thursday, Feb. 14th: Early Release (12:50 dismissal)
-Thursday, Feb. 14th: Valentine's Day Celebration (kids only)
-Friday, Feb. 15th:, 9:00-9:45AM: 2nd Grade Wax Museum
-Monday, Feb. 25-Friday, Mar. 1st: No School-Winter Break
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