The Annual Second Grade Wax Museum was a HUGE success!! It's been so rewarding watching these Owl students work incredibly hard throughout this unit and it was so nice to see it all come together in this exciting culminating event. When they entered our classroom, I couldn't believe my eyes!
Naturally, our morning greeting had us shaking hands with the new members of our classroom!
Take a look at our whole cast of hisitorical heroes! (The biggest THANK YOU goes out to all of YOU for helping put together these marvelous costumes. Everyone truly looked GREAT!)
Presidents proudly standing by their flag! |
Our knowledgeable scientists featuring chemists, physicists, astronauts, inventors, and mathematicians! |
Our talented athletes! |
Our proud civil rights activists! |
Our museum had SO many visitors---these heroes were kept very busy! I received many compliments regarding the creativity with their costumes, the art capabilities shown in their posters, and how incredibly knowledgeable they were about the individuals they represented! Way to go, Owls!
We had visits from parents, grandparents, siblings, friends' parents, kindergarteners and first graders and their teachers, third, fourth, and fifth graders and their teachers, other second grade heroes, other building staff members, and our fifth grade buddies. It was a day to remember by all for sure!
This great event wraps up our unit on changemakers. Your children (along with me!) had a great time learning about change, reading biographies, engaging in deep converstaions about our world, and reflecting on how we can help change the world, the list is truly endless. I think I speak honestly on their behalf when we say, we didn't want it to end!
All of this fantastic learning led up to the most fantastic culminating event. Again, I want to send a GIGANTIC "THANK YOU" to all of the fantastic family members who helped create these awesome costumes, who helped their child rehearse their lines, and who visited our Wax Museum. It is only through your continued help and support that we can continue to make learning fun and engaging! It was truly a magical day and one they will remember for a very long time. Thank you!!
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