2H proudly representing their new inventions! |
They did it!! They've completed the
James Dyson Foundation Idea's Box Challenge! Their innovative designs, resourcefulness, and their ability to persevere, work together, and see an idea through to the end was truly remarkable. They caught the eye of ALL who saw their amazing work (we had quite a few visits from Mr. Fosher and Mr. Goldsmith who were both very excited about all our great work!)
On Tuesday, we teamed up with Mr. G and headed into his Makerspace for some incredible creating. With about 90 minutes to work with, Mr. G instructed students to: THINK, CREATE, and IMPROVE. If they finished early, they were sent back to "improve". While some designs took nearly the whole time period to complete, many had time to go back and improve several times! Quite impressive!
Materials table ready to be attacked! |
After this afternoon of creative engineering, it was time to head back to our classroom. The next day, students prepared to share their invention at our "2H Design Fair". Check out their awesome work (a few friends didn't want to share, so their work isn't pictured, but they too had some neat ideas!):
A floor that moves! |
A vacuum cleaner that won't scare dogs! |
A game with a ball maze! |
A pencil that sharpens itself! |
The "Hele-hat!" |
A pulley to bring things up the stairs! |
A car that doesn't pollute the earth! |
An improved Lego creation! |
A swing that moves itself! |
A whiteboard that you can use markers, colored pencils, or dry erase markers on! |
A container that can hold things without them falling out! |
A transforming car! |
A vacuum that can be used in a garage! |
A whistle that only dogs can hear. |
A book bin with wheels! |
Wow!! That's a lot of creativity! These design engineers were able to experience all the steps a professional engineer goes through----a lot of work, but a ton of fun!!
The final step of their project was to add their creation to their
Seesaw Digital Portfolio. You can access our class page by scanning the following QR code using a smartphone or tablet.
Information was sent home about creating a parent account. If you need help getting signed on, just let me know!! Seesaw is a great portfolio that will follow your student throughout their time here at SMS and will be used to showcase their work.
A huge thank you to the James Dyson Foundation for getting us engaged in this work. We were sad to say goodbye to our Ideas Box, but are left with the reassurance that we can create and do anything we put our minds to!
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