Sunday, December 6, 2015

Dec. 6th News

Mrs. Healey’s Classroom News (12/6/15)
What We've Been Up To:
Welcome to December! It's hard to believe there's only two full weeks left before a short three days and then the holiday break!
Students go outside for recess everyday unless it is raining or dangerously cold. Please be sure your child has appropriate clothing to stay warm (we're hoping our cute little "welcome owls" remind us to wear hats and mittens before going outside!). As always, please make sure all clothing has your child’s name in it so we can help keep things from getting lost.
*Math: We've launched Unit #4 in Everyday Math, which focuses on a variety of topics. This week, our main focus was telling time. Students are working hard on telling time to the nearest 5 minute mark. ANY extra practice they can get with this is essential. In class, they each made their own paper plate clock manipulative which can be use to help with homework. Also in class, we had a lot of fun playing time BINGO, time SCOOT, and the class favorite: WHAT TIME IS IT? We also warmed up our singing voices and enjoyed a little karaoke as well! Lyrics were sent home, but you can find the song link here. For additional telling time practice at home, check out these IXL skills:
  1. Q.2Reading clocks - hour and half hour
  2. Q.3Reading clocks
  3. Q.5Match clocks and times
  4. Q.6Match analog and digital clocks
  5. Q.8A.M. and P.M.

Next week, while we'll keep revisiting telling time, we'll be focusing more on place value: representing, writing, and reading numbers into the hundreds. 
*Reading: Right before the Thanksgiving break, the amazing readers of 2H celebrated all the hard work of their nonfiction unit by opening an "Expert Museum"! Mrs. Murphy's first grade class, who just started their nonfiction unit, came to visit each exhibit. They we SO impressed (as was I!) by the amount of knowledge these second graders knew. They were able to share three main ideas, use picture examples across multiple sources to bring their information to life, and answer many questions at the end! They were, as one Owl put it, just like "real-life museum talkers"!
Great job, Experts! Since finishing up our nonfiction unit, we have moved back into fiction and are paying particular attention to the characters and their journeys.
*Science: These next couple of months will be all about that science, science, science!! Our next writing unit is on science lab reports, which gives us the chance to conduct science experiments nearly every day! We've begun our science unit on matter, so after learning about the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas), we launched right into investigations. This past week we started by looking at the question: "What solids dissolve in water?" Working in writing partnerships, our class tested 8 different solids while also undergoing "lab report boot camp"! Talk about multi-tasking! Each child had to record their question, make a hypothesis, write a detailed procedure, and record their results. Their science writing continues to amaze me!!
After studying some mentor texts, our scientists went back into their reports to focus in on making their procedure as detailed as can be. They decided it would be important to include a "You Will Need" materials section, numbered steps, and pictures with labels, all to help other scientists recreate their same experiment. Such sophisticated work these second graders are doing! On Friday, they worked again with their partner, this time to create a new question or wondering they have, by only changing one variable from their previous experiment. We look forward to testing these experiments on Monday and reporting out our results! Stay tuned!
Coming Up:
-2H Holiday Celebration: Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, 9:30 AM (more information coming soon!)
-No School-Winter Holiday Break: Thursday, Dec. 24th- Friday, Jan. 1st

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