Saturday, January 21, 2017

Jan. 22nd News

We are officially halfway through our school year!
On Friday, SMS students celebrated Day 90---our halfway mark! It's hard to believe we have already flown through half of our year together. While we'll be celebrating Day 100 more extravagantly, we couldn't help but recognize "Half Day" (which I had to quickly clarify, was not an early release "half day" from school :) )!

Highlights from our week:
*Kindness Project: After all of our talk around Dr. King's hope for peace, each Owl student was given a special MISSION POSSIBLE. To help fill our room with kindness, each student was given the special task of performing random acts of kindness for a fellow classmate. The goal is to keep their identity a secret, feeling good about being kind and not looking for a "thank you" or recognition in return (meaning they might have to perform additional kindness acts to other classmates to help throw their friend off their track!). While our challenge isn't over yet, it has been amazing seeing our already kind class go above and beyond for others. Ask you child about their top secret envelope and some of the acts of kindness they have performed.
*Math: During our math workshop time, we have been working especially hard in the area of money. Students should be becoming fluent in coin identification, counting a given amount of coins, and finding multiple coin combinations for given amounts. As students show success with these skills, they are being challenged to find total costs for numerous items and count back change. Practice of these skills has given us a lot of opportunities to play games, work with partners, and use technology. For additional practice at home, have your child:
- count loose change piles
- draw coin combinations for items in a supermarket flyer
- visit these websites:
         -ABCya Counting Money
         -ABCya Money BINGO
         -IXL (P.3, P.6, and P.7)
*Reading: Throughout our reader's workshop, we have continued to study the characters in our stories. This week, 2H had to start comparing their characters. At first they compared a character in their story with a character from their reading partner's story. Using venn diagrams, they made detailed entries into their reader's notebooks. Later in the week, the real challenge began as they had to compare the characters in their stories to themselves. Using this information, they were able to see if they would act the same or differently as their character did. They are all doing such incredibly impressive reading work!
*Science: It was another exciting week in science here in 2H! We learned and explored some new science vocabulary. First, we discussed atoms and molecules. Each Owl created a representation of what the molecules look like in a solid, liquid, and a gas using cheerios!
Later in the week, we learned about insulating and conducting materials. Using various materials, they created "mittens" out of foil, socks, and Styrofoam cups. Using each mitten, they had to close their eyes and see if they could feel the difference in temperature between two water bottles. If they couldn't, then the material had insulating properties. As always, it was a blast!
*Reading Buddies: As we have reached our midway point in our school year, Mrs. Loh and I decided it was time to take reading buddies up a notch. On Friday, we participated in our very first STEM BIN challenge. Buddies each chose a bin containing a building material and were challenged to build a HOUSE! They could ONLY use the material in the bin and had only 5 minutes to build. Mrs. Loh and I were SO impressed with the creativity, thinking, and teamwork that went into this challenge. We can't wait to participate in more challenges!
Have a great week!
Go Pats!
Coming Up:
-100th Day (tentative): Friday, Feb. 3rd (more information to come!)
-Early Release: Wednesday, Feb. 15th
-Valentine's Day Class Celebration (kids only): Tuesday, Feb. 14th (more information to come!)
-Winter Break, No School: Monday, Feb. 27th-Friday, Mar. 3rd

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