Sunday, June 3, 2018

June 2nd News

The Owls are ready for that summer 🌞sunshine🌞!
 Highlights from our week:
*2nd Grade Musical: As you know, it is almost time for the Second Grade Musical Production of Can’t Stop the Seedling! We will be having our dress rehearsal in front of a live, SMS, student audience on Wednesday, June 6th. Please have your child dressed for the rehearsal: brown tops and denim bottoms (shorts, skirts, jean pants, etc.). Our student performance will take place at 2:00 PM,  so if students would like to change into their costumes before the performance, that would be okay. â€‹On Thursday, June 7th, we will be performing for family and friends at our 6:30 PM evening showing.​ Please have your child (dressed again in their "costume") meet me in our classroom at 6:15 PM. We’ll put on our bandannas and face paint and prepare to walk on stage. Immediately following the performance, I will be walking our entire class back to our classroom where you can meet them for a safe and easy pick up! We hope to see you there!
*Writer's Workshop: These super star writers were on full display as we began our final writing project of the year. Some teachers from Raymond heard about all of the great writing happening in our classroom and they decided to come check us out! They were VERY impressed (as I always am!). Since a travel brochure is a new format of writing for us, we did what we always do: look to the masters! Examining various brochures, we studied the "moves" the author made:
 After noticing things like bold titles, listing activities, providing a map, and giving price information, these Owl rock stars decided to give it a try!
 With some practice under their belts, next week 2H will be ready to create a more elaborate brochure of an attraction of their choosing! Thank you in advance for you help in returning the green homework sheet (due Mon. June 4th). 
*5th Grade Buddies: Over the last few meetings with our buddies, we had spent some time enjoying reading together. This week, however, we were ready for another creative challenge. While the weather kept us indoors, the Owls and their buddies went to town trying to create their own bubble wands! Groups experimented with the size, shape, and quantity of bubbles their wand was able to produce. We had so much fun that Mrs. Loh and I decided we will continue this great work (with some added challenges!) on a sunny day next week!
*Field Trip: As a reminder, grade 2 will be headed to the Great Bay Discovery Center on Tuesday, June 5th. All permission slips have been signed and returned so we are ready to go! Thank you to all those who will be joining us. If chaperoning, please plan on meeting us at the Discovery Center at 9:00. Because we will be close to open bodies of water and taking part in several different scheduled activities, we ask that siblings remain at home for this field trip. This trip takes place from 8:45-12:00 rain or shine, so please remind your child to wear appropriate clothing as well as sunscreen and bug spray! *We will be enjoying our snack at the Discovery Center, so students will be unable to buy snack from the cafeteria. Please send their snack in a lunch box or brown paper bag. Additionally, we will be returning to school later than our typical lunch time and eating in our classroom. If students are able to pack their lunch for the day, that would be a help! However, if they need to buy lunch, they will be able to do so.  Please let me know if you have any questions!
Have a wonderful, BUSY week!
Questions to promote "School Talk":
-Who came for a visit on Tuesday?
-What costume item did we try on for our musical practice last week?
-What is happening in our class read aloud, Matilda?
-What are some items on your summer bucket list?
-What one item came off of our walls on Friday?
-What are some "moves" authors of travel brochures make? Where did you make a practice brochure for (SMS, Stratham Hill Park, or Hampton Beach?)
-How did your iReady check-in go? What were some of the math questions you were given?
Coming Up (Lots, and lots and lots of things!):

-Grand Luncheon: Monday, June 4th
-Great Bay Field Trip: Tuesday, June 5th.
-Musical Dress Rehearsal: Wednesday, June 6th (school performance)
-Plant Musical: Thursday, June 7th, 6:30pm
-Field Day: Friday, June 8th
-Stratham Hill Park End of Year Grade 2 Picnic: Thursday, June 14th
-Last Day of School: Monday, June 18th

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