☀Hello, Sunshine!☀ |
The beautiful weather gave us plenty of reasons to take our learning outside! |
*Dyson Ideas Box: I can now proudly present he 2018 2H Design Engineers! They did it!! They've completed the James Dyson Foundation Idea's Box Challenge! Their innovative designs, resourcefulness, and their ability to persevere, work together, and see an idea through to the end was truly remarkable. They spent this week planning and executing their own invention with the goal of improving or fixing a current device or problem.
After the construction part of the engineering process, it was time to share their invention at our "2H Design Fair". Each designer shared what problem their product solved, how their product works, and what materials they used to build their prototype. The questions they received following their presentation ("What materials will the actual product be built with?") and the comments they received ("The monkey bars are hard for me too so this would be a GREAT solution!") were both thoughtful and insightful. Bravo!
Wow!! That's a lot of creativity! These design engineers were able to experience all of the steps a professional engineer goes through----a lot of work, but a ton of fun!! A huge thank you to the James Dyson Foundation for getting us engaged in this work. We were sad to say goodbye to our Ideas Box, but are left with the reassurance that we can create and do anything we put our minds to!

*Math Workshop: Early this week, building off of our geometry unit, we started to explore FRACTIONS! While we will spend a lot of time reviewing all the wonderful math concepts we've worked on this year, fractions will be our last major unit of our school year. There is a lot of great IXL practice for fractions if you're looking to continue the fun at home.
We're very fortunate to have Eleanor's Grammy join us each week for a math center. Check out the adorable "fraction-atipillars" she helped us make!
*Garden: All this spring sunshine gave us plenty of opportunities to get outside this week! After reading in the garden with our fifth grade buddies, we checked in on the cool weather crops we recently planted. The Owls were thrilled to see that all of them had sprouted! The mixture of sun and rain throughout the week provided the perfect growing conditions. We will continue to monitor their growth for the remainder of our school year!
*Donors Choose: What a wonderful week we had with Donors Choose! Thanks to the many generous donations that came rolling in, from the Rohloff, Mudunuru, Lord, Cooper, and Bourn Families, we are well on our way to having our SECOND project funded! With just $155 left, we are in the homestretch. If you know of a company or individual who'd like to donate, please share with them the link to our project. Thank you so much for your continued support of our school!
Have a great week!!!
Questions to promote "School Talk":
-How did your Dyson Invention prototype turn out? What would you do differently next time? Did you put your design on Seesaw?
-Where did we meet with our reading buddies this week?
-Tell me about the Blobfish.
-What Roald Dahl book did we start for read aloud?
-Explain how you used your word study folder and notebook this year. (Yellow folders were sent home on Friday)
-What is your favorite song in our musical?
-What is a fraction? Can you draw me an example?
Coming Up (Lots, and lots and lots of things!):
-PTO 1-2-3 Fun Run: Friday, June 1, 5:30pm
-Grand Luncheon: Monday, June 4th
-Great Bay Field Trip: Tuesday, June 5th.
-Musical Dress Rehearsal: Wednesday, June 6th (school performance)
-Plant Musical: Thursday, June 7th, 6:30pm
-Field Day: Friday, June 8th
-Stratham Hill Park End of Year Grade 2 Picnic: Thursday, June 14th
-Last Day of School: Monday, June 18th
-Last Day of School: Monday, June 18th
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