Sunday, April 15, 2018

Apr. 15th News

While the weather may be acting otherwise, 2H brought spring right into our classroom!
Highlights from our week:
*Writing: We've begun our latest writing unit: poetry! Students have been busy reading and writing poetry. While the thought of poetry can be somewhat intimidating, these second graders have been filling the air with truly beautiful words, phrases, and lines. We'll continue to use our poets' eyes and look at things that give us BIG feelings and see things in NEW ways  over the next several weeks.
*Science: With the wax museum (and Jack's beanstalks!) under our belt, we have a lot more time and energy to devote to our science experiments. When observing our beanstalks, we noticed some grew and some didn't, some grew a LOT and some just started. What caused this? What do plants need to grow and thrive? After a great science talk, we decided to PROVE what plants truly need to survive. Using pea, carrot, bean, radish, and flower seeds, each student helped plant a seed to contribute to our experiment. Each table was set to experience a different variable. Our control plants will receive water, sunlight, and air; others will receive either no water, no sunlight, or no air. We set our predictions and will carefully be observing our findings over the next few weeks.
To officially launch our plant unit, the Owls were in for a special surprise when they learned that Mr. Healey, on behalf of Urban Tree Service, sent each second grader a special gift. Each student received their own Norway Spruce sapling to take home and plant! The Owls were SO excited!! What a great kick off to our latest science unit!!
Later in the week, as we dove deeper into the world of plants, we started exploring the parts of a plant. While it wasn't news to the Owls that all of the vegetables they enjoy (or maybe don't enjoy!) come from plants, they did encounter a few surprises when they tried to figure out which part of the plant each vegetable came from. After placing each vegetable into categories of plant parts: seed, root, stem, leaf, or flower, they were put to a new challenge: could they eat an entire plant? Many could!
*Reading: We've begun our final, major reading unit of the year. This unit, Series Book Clubs, pushes children to follow books through a series, getting to know the characters (who are the stars of their books!). I've beyond impressed with their engagement, stamina, and participation in this unit---and we've only just begun! Ask your child about the series they've been reading in class. They'll be able to tell you lots about it! :)
We'll continue this great reading work next week!
*Wish List: With our year winding down, we've nearly used up our supply of spoons, Ziploc bags, and disinfecting wipes! If you have an extra box or container you're able to donate, we would greatly appreciate it! Thank you in advance :)
Image result for owl spring
Have a wonderful week!
Questions to promote "School Talk":
-What time is it? (They can tell time, on  an analog clock, to the nearest 5 minute!)
-Did you eat an entire plant? What was your favorite part?
-What series book club are you a part of? Who is the main character? What adventures have you been on with that character?
-What's happening in our read aloud, The Land of Stories?
-Tell me about your seed science experiments. Which ones are growing?
-What's a "poet's eye"? How did one poet see the pencil sharpener with a poet's eye? What objects did we look at with our poets' eyes?
Coming Up:
-Jump Rope for Heart: Friday, Apr. 20th
-No School, Spring Vacation: Mon. Apr. 23-Fri. Apr. 27th
-PTO Spring Social: Friday, May 11th 7-11PM, Portsmouth Harbor Events & Conference Center
-Bike to School Day: Friday, May 11th

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