Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mar. 18th News

Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend!
Highlights from our week:
*St. Patrick's Day: As St. Patrick's Day was approaching, we took the time to think about luck and who we had in our lives that we feel lucky for. This led us to our St. Patty's craft where each pot of gold showed who was worth MORE than gold :)
While we left the trap building to the kindergartners and first graders, some Owls used their choice time to set up a trap...just in case!
*Fairy Tales: During reader's workshop, we revisited using compare & contrast skills to explore multiple versions of Cinderella as there are over 1,500 versions worldwide! Working with their reading partner, students compared a version of Cinderella  to the American version of the traditional tale. They had lots of fun with fractured tales like Bigfoot Cinderrrrella, Trollerella, Prince Cinders and Cinderella Penguin!
In addition to reading about fairy tales, this week we also looked carefully at some problems they had (or could have!) and how we could help them! Participating in another design challenge, the Owls needed to help Cinderella get to the ball (the Fairy Godmother needed a night off!). Working by themselves, students could only use one sheet of paper and some tape to create a wind powered coach. These engineers are really getting the hang of designing, creating, testing, and improving---and they have a ball doing it!
*Math: We continued working with money this week and many students began working from a "Math Menu"! Using a "tic-tac-to" styled board, the Owls were challenged to choose how they wanted to work with money. From watching a BrainpopJr video, to singing songs about coins, to finding out how much their sort words were worth, the Owls certainly chose what worked best for them!
In addition, as we are continually working to bridge our learning with real world applications, the Owls had a great time planning for a party, while learning a valuable lesson about budgeting!
For the upcoming week, we will begin working counting back change (another important life skill!)
Hope you had a very happy St. Patrick's Day!
Questions to promote "School Talk":
-What is a fractured fairy tale? Which one has been your favorite?
-What pose is your character making for your life size mural?
-How is the Iditaread going for you?
-What is a villain? Which villain did you make a "Wanted!" poster for?
-Show four different ways to make $0.75.
-What story did Mrs. Belanger read to our class? What was one of the messages of the story?
Coming Up:
-Early Release (Student-Led Conferences): Wednesday, Apr. 4th and Wednesday, Apr. 11th (sign-up here)
-Fairy Tale Wax Museum: Friday, Apr. 6th

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