Sunday, March 12, 2017

Mar. 12th News

What a wonderful, jam packed week we had back to school! Coming off the vacation week, all of the Owls settled right back into our routine and were ready to work!
Acting out dialogue from The Three Little Pigs
Highlights from our week:
*Iditaread: Our Iditaread is well underway! This past week, every musher has made significant progress on their reading journey towards Nome. I have been extremely impressed with each reader’s motivation in this challenge. Keep it up contestants! We’ve also been having a lot of fun closely following the real Iditarod race as those mushers make their way towards Nome as well. We celebrated Friday as our very first student made it across the finish line. Way to go, Nina! A few more students are right on her heels, many nearly reached the halfway point, and a bunch are bring up the rear. The challenge continues until the last musher makes their way to Nome (just like the real race!) Just a reminder, students need a parent or teacher signature for each entry and need to turn their reading log in everyday (most have been doing a fantastic job with this!) Please help remind your child of the importance of reading every night. It has been so fun hearing what books are hooking each reader and helping them make it to the finish line.
*Owl Mystery Readers: We have been so lucky to hear from so many amazing mystery readers over the past two weeks! It's been an incredible opportunity for each reader to show off their wonderful reading skills! I've been blown away by their expression, intonation, phrasing, and book choices---I can tell they've been practicing!! We look forward to hearing from more mystery classmates over the next several weeks! If your child is interested and has not signed up, you can sign them up here!
 Way to go readers!! It takes a lot of courage to read in front of your peers---and you've all done a fabulous job! :)
*Reading: For the past week, second graders have been immersed in fairy tales! All of their hard work is in preparation for their upcoming wax museum, which will take place on Friday, April 7th.  A HUGE part of this project is reading tons and tons of fairy tales! Students have been read to, read independently, and have partner read numerous tales such as:
       Thank you to all who helped their children pick a fairy tale character and returned the sign up paper to school. Our class will be pleased to learn that EVERY student will receive one of their top three choices! Students will be notified of their character assignment tomorrow and we will begin studying characters this week!
*Science: For a fun fairy tale connection, the Owls planted their very own "magic beans" and created their own version of the Giant's castle. Will their beans reach the castle providing Jack a way up? Only time will tell!
*St. Patrick's Day: As St. Patrick's Day approaches, we took the time to think about luck and what we had in our lives that we feel lucky for. This led into our St. Patty's craft where each pot of gold showed who was worth MORE than gold :)
 *Scholastic Book Orders: March book order forms were sent home early last week. As always, Scholastic's full catalog is available online. Orders are due Sunday, Mar. 19th.
*Reading Buddies: We were back to design engineering with our 5th grade buddies this week! Students were tasked to build a shelter using a chosen material. We saw everything from cabins to hotels, farmhouses to tipis, shacks to mansions! Each design was creative and unique!

 Have a great week! Stay warm!!

Coming Up:

-Early Release: Thursday, Mar. 16th
-Teacher In-Service, No School: Friday, Mar. 17th
-Scholastic Book Order Due: Sunday, Mar. 19th
-Early Release (Parent Conferences): Wednesday, Apr. 5th and Wednesday, Apr. 15th (sign-ups coming soon!)
-Fairy Tale Wax Museum: Friday, Apr. 7th

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