Thank you for all of your help with our 100th Day project! I still cannot believe that our 100th day of school is already approaching---our year is going by so fast! I look forward to a fun day together on Monday as we celebrate this milestone!

*Science Magic: I don't know if you've heard, but second graders had a BLAST participating in their very first "Science Magic"! Every Wednesday in February, they will be challenged to think like scientists and complete various science experiments. While using those skills is nothing new for the Owl class, what IS new is where they'll be completing the experiments and with who! They will be traveling to each second grade classroom and working with that teacher to think scientifically. This past week, in Mrs. Atherton's room, they explored Pop Rocks and the gases they release when placed in liquids.
Mrs. Atherton said that our scientists knew SO much about solids, liquids, and gases, and worked incredibly well together throughout the experiment. Bravo, Owls! You can look forward to visiting Mr. Saltus' class for Science Magic next week!
*Writing: To wrap up our creative writing unit, we read a fictional favorite: The Day the Crayons Came Back. We decided we'd like to write our own crayon tale: The Day the Crayons Came Back to School!
Taking on a crayon character, each Owl student wrote a postcard with voice and detail to create a page for our class book. We were able to send yet another book off to our publisher. Each Owl is anxiously awaiting its arrival so we can enjoy reading our version of this fun story.

Taking a break from all of the fun fiction writing we've been doing, the Owls began a Picturing Writing project. They will be working on a research-based animal poetry piece. They are all VERY excited and have already begun their research. Ask your child what animal they chose for their project. We'll begin the art component next week as we continue our research.
*Reading Buddies: Our engineers were up for yet another design challenge this week. Working with the same material this time, each partnership was challenged to create a heart. It was so fun to see how different all of the designs were even though we all used the same materials. The room is just filled with SO much creativity!*Progress Reports: On Friday, a progress report was sent home with your child. Please sign and return the progress report envelope (the report itself is yours to keep!). If you have ANY questions or concerns, or would like to set up a conference, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks!
Have a wonderful week!
Let's go, Pats!

Coming Up:
-100th Day Homework Due: Wednesday, Feb. 1st
-100th Day: Monday, Feb. 6th
-Valentine's Day Class Celebration (kids only): Tuesday, Feb. 14th
-Early Release: Wednesday, Feb. 15th
-Winter Break, No School: Monday, Feb. 27th-Friday, Mar. 3rd
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