Monday, October 12, 2015

The Global Read Aloud Has Begun!!

2H has begun participating in The Global Read Aloud!

Joining over 525,000 students worldwide, our Owl Class will be studying author Amy Krouse Rosenthal. The Global Read Aloud project encourages classes to participate by reading the shared books and connecting with other students throughout the world!

Our class connection is with the Grade 2 and 3 students of Markham Gateway Public School in Markham, Ontario, Canada! We had SO much fun learning about their school and typical school day (ask your child to tell you some of the similarities and differences!) and are working on creating a venn diagram comparing our two schools.

We kicked off this week by reading Amy KR's book Chopsticks! We read it several times as we got to know Amy as an author (she sure does love wordplay!) and searched for the story's message. After reading the story, we got to answer our first response question and blog to our Canadian friends! You can follow our weekly connections and read our responses on our specific Global Read Aloud blog here.

We'll start our next book, Duck, Rabbit, tomorrow!

Designing our own Chopstick characters and scenarios!
Comparing Amy's book Spoon to Chopsticks
Trying out chopsticks!
We're also trying twitter as a means to make more global connections. If you're on twitter, you can follow our tweets at the twitter handle @authorstudyGRA . We're hoping to hear from our author herself (@missamykr) sometime soon! Rumor has it, our 2R Giraffe neighbors have already been in contact!! Very cool!

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