Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"And They All Lived Happily Ever After!"

The First Annual Second Grade Fairy Tale Wax Museum was a HUGE success!!! I've watched your owls work incredibly hard throughout this unit and it was so nice to see it all come together in this culminating event! When they entered our classroom, I couldn't believe my eyes!
Naturally, our morning greeting had to involve shaking hands with the new members of our classroom!
Take a look at our whole fairy tale cast of characters! (A huge thank you to all of your marvelous costume-creating skills---everyone looked GREAT!!)
* The Three Little Pigs Ensemble!

 *From Jack and the Beanstalk!
 *The villain and the heroine from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves!
 *Some beautiful Disney Princesses!
 *Some cute, little characters who didn't always make the best decisions ;-) (The owl students representing these characters make much better ones!)

*The whole crew from The Three Billy Goats Gruff!

 *Can you guess these wonderfully portrayed lesser-known fairy tale characters?

After greetings were complete, it was time to open the doors to our wax museum, and bring these characters to life!
 Our museum had SO many visitors---they kept very busy! I received many compliments regarding the creativity with their costumes, the art capabilities shown in their posters, and how incredibly knowledgeable they were about the characters they represented! Way to go, owls!

We had visits from parents, grandparents, siblings, friends' parents, first graders and their teachers, third graders and their teachers, other second grade fairy tale characters, other building staff members, and our fifth grade reading buddies. It was a day to remember by all for sure!

This great event wraps up our unit on fairy tales. Your children (along with me!) had a great time reading fairy tales, writing fairy tales, partaking in S.T.E.M related challenges regarding fairy tales, growing their very own bean stalks---the list is truly endless. I think I speak honestly on their behalf when we say, we didn't want it to end!
Three Little Pig adaptations!
Reece's great adaptation of the dialogue in the story!
Sharing our stories with our reading buddies in 5S!
Publishing Celebration!
By the end of our unit, some of our beanstalks grew straight past the castles!

I want to send GIGANTIC thank you to all the fantastic family members who helped create these awesome costumes and for coming to visit our wax museum. It is through your continued help and support that we can continue to make learning fun and engaging! The owl class would like to personally thank Hailey's dad, Mr. O'Kane, for coming in multiple times to help create our realistic life-size portraits. Everyone was truly impressed and we couldn't have done it without him! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

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