Sunday, November 2, 2014

Holey Pumpkin Day!

On Thursday, we celebrated Halloween with a very special "Holey Pumpkin Day!"
Adjective Pumpkins decorated our classroom!
Thank you all for sending in small pumpkins to make this day possible. The kids had a BLAST!! In the morning, we were joined by our 5H reading buddies. They were a huge help in completing our pumpkin investigation. Students had to draw and describe their pumpkins, estimate and count the number of seeds, compare the weight with seeds to the weight without seeds, and measure the height and circumference of their pumpkin. It was a lot of work, but everyone arrived at some great results!
After lunch, it was time to put the "holey" into Holey Pumpkin Day! After designing their holey pattern, it was off to the drills. A HUGE thank you to Mr. O'Kane, Mr. Forrest, and Mr. Vivenzio for their drilling techniques! We couldn't have done it without you!
Once all were drilled, it was time to celebrate! A big thank you goes out to our fabulous room mom, Lisa Anderson, for organizing our celebration. Another big thank you goes out to all the volunteers who sent in materials (from carving tools and spoons, to glow sticks for their pumpkins, to delicious snacks to eat--and of course for the festive paper goods to enjoy them on!), and to the many adults who were able to join us in our celebration. It was only through your help that any of this was possible. THANK YOU!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

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