Last Wednesday, the Owls celebrated the end of their poetry unit in style! It was a beautiful day filled with sunshine. After lunch, we headed outside to publish a piece of writing where the sidewalk ends.
Once finished, it was fun to walk along and read our friends' poems. Each student received an illustrated copy of each poem in a class book to take home---a wonderful keepsake!
After the publishing was complete, it was time for the poetry reading. The SMS garden provided a perfect arena for our performance. Each Owl did a FANTASTIC job memorizing their selected Shel Silverstein poem. Memorizing lines and performing in front of a crowd is quite an accomplishment. I am so proud of their hard work and courage!
While our poetry unit has come to an end, I have no doubt we have created a group of lifelong readers and writers of poetry! Thank you to ALL who were able to attend our celebration. These second graders worked very hard and having an audience to share their work with is invaluable. Thank you, as always, for helping make learning fun!